Well first off I just want to say that I have found out where I got my 5 Minute No Bake Granola Bars, here. I am working on sourcing my recipes more and more. What I was doing was just copying and pasting them into a word document and printing them off to put in my recipe book. But now I try and make sure that I throw a link at the bottom of the recipe so that I can remember where I got it from. Give credit where credit is due.
Sadly for breakfast I couldn`t find the exact link to the recipe I got this from, but it sure was tasty. Very very filling, more filling than just a regular bowl of oatmeal.
I was pretty tired half way through my Cario Bosu class today. Allison had us doing circuits again. I love doing these, but today was the start of new routines. It was challenging for sure. Especially after all of yesterdays hard working out. But I pushed through and even after went and swam for 22 mins in the pool.
At work, I took about an hour to snack on my morning snack.
This morning I just don`t feel quite myself. I feel tired, so tired that if I blinked a little too long I could very easily just fall asleep. My appetite is also a little wonky today. I just couldn`t wait until lunch time I was marvin`. So I went and grabbed my wasa that I had packed.
I wasn`t eating the rest. What a sad waste.
For lunch I couldn`t wait. But I was a good girl and did. Actually got caught up doing something and didn`t eat until 12:20. I knew that my lunch was going to fill me up and keep me feeling full all afternoon.
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