Number 1. I had no groceries and no idea what to make with the mishmash of slim pickin's that was at my house.
Well I didn't end up packing a lunch, rather went downstairs to Pizza Pizza and got this.
For my snack, I have these fig crackers. not too shabby.
So Friday,
Call #1. There is a meeting at the office first thing Monday morning at 8:30am. Everyone should be there.
Call #2. No meeting, misunderstanding, but be at the office as HR and the ED are making calls to notify people if they are being laid off. So come in sit around with a bunch of coworkers who are all equally as anxious as you and just sit and wait.
Call #3. No meeting, and if you aren't scheduled to work you don't have to come in, HR will get a hold of you between 8:30-9:15am. So be by your home phone.
Yeah not a fun Friday.
Saturday was even worse. Why? Because I had to go into said work where I may be getting laid off from and work 6 hours. The worst part, is though I tried to avoid getting involved in chatter about the pending lay offs, I couldn't find a nook or cranny were there wasn't a coworker, who wanted to talk about lay offs and stress.
Sadly this not only exhausted me emotionally, but it made me nauseous, and upset my stomach I was so stressed out.
I did try and start the day off strong by making healthy choices. Eggs are always a good strong breakfast!
I was expecting a lot of meetings to mediate at work, however sadly, there were so many visits cancelled all for various reasons. So not only myself by my coworkers were all pretty much not busy, and all sitting around all day.For snack
Still hadn't gotten out to get groceries. So I went to Quiznos for lunch instead of subway or a pita. Mainly because Quiznos has guacamole on their veggie sub where as the other two places do not have guac.
Going home from work, I was a zombie. I for the first of two times Saturday night became one with the couch and TV.
Come 7pm, Kevin was getting hungry and said to me "so where are we going for dinner?" You have to understand, Kevin likes us to keep our money, not give it to others. So the fact that hes suggested that we go out for dinner and it wasn't my idea, wowzers, he knew how stressed I was.
We went to Boston Pizza. With my anxiety I didn't think that trying the new Mexican place was a good idea.
At BP, we ordered Cactus Cut Fries for an app. I love the heat in the dipping sauce. I think Kevin loves them a little too much!
Here you can see my drink before, *ahem* I forgot to take a picture before it was gone.
And as you can see I love me some Long Island Ice Tea. Those babies are sooooo good!
I couldn't figure out what I wanted. I did know however I didn't want a pasta. So instead of having a lot of carbs, I ordered, a lot of carbs. LOL The bruschetta pizza really was so much better than Friday's pizza. And it really helped sooth my wreaked emotional state.
After dinner we headed home. There the couch, the TV and I all became one again. We put in the movie Sherlock Homes with Robert Downey Jr. Not a bad movie.
Sunday, well for the whole weekend, Kevin's parents were at their house in town (they are moving from Barrie Ontario to Bowmanville Ontario). Sadly they have had possession of their house in town since Feb 10th. Their house in Barrie though they get a lot of showings, hasn't had a single offer yet. :-s
So, we hadn't seen Kevin's parents in a few weeks, so we were invited over for brunch. Because they live so close to us, Kevin suggested instead of walking over that we ride our bikes. I was game. Look how funky cool I am with my one pant leg rolled up. Haven't had any luck finding myself a chain guard yet. Everywhere I go, people just keep telling me "oh I guess you'll just have to wear shorts and get grease all over your leg" and laugh. The first couple of times I laughed too, but now I am just frustrated and want to find a chain guard.
Kevin's dad went out and BBQ'ed the Turkey Bacon. Kevin's mom checking brunch. It's a work in progress (someone else's recipe she works off of).
French toast, baked with apple pie filling in the middle. Sadly this batch the bottom piece of bread was all mushy, the top was great though. And peamale style turkey bacon.
We also had tea cups filled with strawberries and pineapple. I had about 3 of these cups of fruit.
After brunch was over it was back to the house so that I could make my dinner and snacks to take with me to my other part time job (group home for co-ed teens).
While working in the kitchen I had a handful of clodhoppers. I love that eating healthy is really turning my nose up and away from old unhealthy favourites. I also had 3 dates.
I wasn't feeling as stressed Sunday as I had been Friday and Saturday. Such a nice relief. Don't get me wrong I was still stressed and worried, just not to the severity of the previous days.
At work I mixed some granola, chia seeds, dried blueberries to some yogurt.The house was so quiet for my shift. There was myself, the full time staff Paul (yeah), and one female resident. She asked if we could eat outside on the back porch since it was nice out. I was game, especially seeing as we were BBQing the chicken out there anyways.
My left over quinoa stir fry with Paul's BBQed Honey Garlic Chicken. I only had 1/3 of the chicken, but took the rest home.
I also packed a salad with strawberries, almonds, quinoa and avocado. You never know who is going to be doing the cookie or what will be cooked at a group home so I always pack my food. Better safe than sorry. And hey if you get pleasantly surprised with Sunday nights chicken, all the better.
Some grapes to finish the night off right. Home by 11:45, and vegged on the couch watching PVRed Modern Family and Cougar Town.
Update you soon on the layoff situation.
I know all about emotional weekend. I wanted pizza sooo badly all weekend but ended up just eating a lot of free Chick-fil-A. :)