Though it was a long weekend, I did have to work for 6 hours on Saturday, but the rest of the weekend (including Easter Monday) was all mine.
Started the day Sunday off with some Pancakes for pancake Sunday of course!

After lunch I went for a run. This run was an exciting one for me. This was the first run that I was to do with the new route (an extra 1km) added to my pre-existing course (5.3k in total). It was great! I hardly had to break for small walks at all, no side stitches, no cramping, no excessive loss of breath. I was so extremely happy with myself. I can’t wait to get out and do it again. Sadly however my toes were so sore after my run. Completely a result of my sh*tty shoes. They are first off not real running shoes, they are just sneakers, plus they are super old. They used to be my aerobics shoes then got demoted to outdoor runners.
After running I walked up and down my block 3 times to cool down, and then grabbed my yoga mat and headed into my back yard. Some outdoor yoga. I have never done yoga on my own, rather always in a class with an instructor, so this was new to me. Nice. Did about 30 mins of stretching and relaxing through yoga.
I then thought that my parents were picking me up to take me to a BBQ birthday/going away party at 12:30, and I only had one hour to shower, do my hair make up get dressed and eat lunch. I hate rushing, especially on weekends, as I rush all week-long.
Sadly I did not need to rush they were not coming to pick me up until 1:30. So I had lots of time to eat my lunch.

Left over tomato veggie pizza

& a yogurt
After lunch, I grabbed my lawn chair and went and sat in the sun in my drive way waiting for my parents to arrive (carpooling).
Sandal season baby!
To the BBQ I brought a fruit tray. I knew that there would not be a lot of options that I would eat (burgers) and options that I would eat that aren’t healthy (chips), so a big fruit tray was where my attention was going to be focused.
Enjoying the beautiful weather in the backyard.
Me & Mom
Dad, Matthew (brother) & Me
Rachel, guest of honour
The Husband got off work and made it to the party!
Dinner time came. Funny story about this is that I haven’t eaten beef or pork since I was 16 years old (started eating chicken and fish again 4 years ago, but no beef or pork for 12 years – a noticable amount of time). So when Tom, Rachel’s dad was asking who wanted cheese on their burgers, my mom asked if I wanted cheese on mine. I sarcastically answered her, no I don’t want cheese on my burger. She then said that I should go and tell this to Tom. I looked at her trying to figure out if she was joking or not. She was not. I told her “mom I don’t eat beef!” lol. She was like Oh yeah right. LOL.

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