For breakfast, nothing new or creative.
Kevin didn't have to leave for work until noon which was nice. Nice to have spend the morning with him around the house. Sadly however, the house was a mess! Because of our crazy hectic work schedules, the house isn't' always kept tidy, or get cleaned on a regular basis. So that is what Kevin and I did Holiday Monday morning. Swiffered, vacuumed and mopped the floors. Cleaned the kitchen spic and span. Laundry was put away and the dirty laundry was sorted with the intentions of being washed, however that didn't happen.
For lunch just before Kevin left for work I had,

With 4 okra (I'd never had them before and only bought 4 to try I liked them and so did Kevin). And for a lunch dessert the other half of the nectarine.
After Kevin left for work, I hadn't yet heard back from Jana to see if I had gotten a spot in the 6:45pm Hot Yoga class, so I ventured out to go get some shopping done. However not before packing an afternoon snack to take with me.
So what did I go out and shop for? Well I got some new foaming hand soap from Fruits & Passions, returned a body butter to The Body Shop, got a few groceries from the local whole foods store, a UFile for Kevin to do our taxes from Future Shop and. . . .
Here are my old runners that I talked about here. You can clearly see the rough shape they are in, and when you look at the toes sole, you can see why my toes were sore after my weekend run. I did not throw them out however. I took them to the Salvation Army donation. They aren't in the best condition, but someone in need may find them useful?
Do you donate your old clothes to a local charity when you stop wearing them, or they get to big for you?

And here are my new and true running shoes. Thank you to Sports Mart for having a buy one get one half price (I grabbed Kevin a pair of shoes)
For dinner I was flying solo as Kevin wasn't scheduled to get home until after 9ish. So I veggied it up.

After dinner, I managed to clean the kitchen up a little and started in on making another mega mess. I managed to bang out a Vegan Lentil Soup and a Mexican Rice Casserole, to serve as meals over the next couple of days of work-a-paloza.
Then I was off and hoofing it to Hot Yoga. I love that it is so nice out now that I can walk to Hot Yoga and get some extra exercise in before and after.
Yoga was great. Different than what I get out of my usual Thursday evening class. I was literally raining sweat. But that is good. Sweat out all the toxins in my body from this weekend (chips, mayo, beer, chocolate). I even did some challenging balanced postures (sorry no pics), including a headstand (spotted by Jana). Loved it! Can't wait for Thursday evenings class!
After getting home from Yoga it was time to pack up all that cooking into meals that I could take to work with me for Tuesday. Done
Then off to pack my gym bag with Tuesdays work clothes, hair dryer, straightener, makeup and all that rest of the fun stuff a lady needs to get ready for work.
Somewhere in all that I took the recycling and compost (after the bag broke in the kitchen container and everything fell out of the bag and into the container *bleck*) out to the curb.
Kevin got home around 9:40 to catch the tail end of my tornado around the house to get ready. Then we were off to bed.
Total water drank Monday: 9, 8oz glasses
Total calories burned: 960
Total calories eaten: 1,646.
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