Yes! It is in fact morning. That is in fact the moon over the gym. It was such a nice picture to drive up to as I pulled into the parking lot at 6am.
Yesterday I finished off my planned meals with,
Sadly however between snack and dinner my eating and planned meals only turn a turn, and it was a turn for the worst. Some one had made these,
I had also chowed on some cookies. You know the kind that come in a square tin and are given out as gifts. No pictures of those. Also there are no pictures of the messy binge I went on while putting together my snack, lunch, snack and dinner for Wednesday. I had 2 small bowls (ice cream ‘bowl’) of granola with coconut, pumpkin seed, chia seeds agave nectar and almond butter. After that my craving, because that is what it was a craving not hunger, I then had a bowl of corn flakes with 1/2 banana and honey, then, I had a bowl of kashi cereal with pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and sunflower seeds. Ugh, Carb-Overload! I paid for it too. I felt so bloated and disgusting from having eaten so much and in such a small amount of time.
Total calories eaten – too many to count.
Total calories burned – 525.
Total water drank - 7, 8oz classes of water.
From all that however, comes today. Today I have set 4 goals for myself. Here they are,
1) No late night snacking
2) Go for 5.3k run after getting home from work tonight (8:30pm)
3) Stay positive re: work & my progress
4) Stay below calorie count
I feel all of these goals are very attainable. Number 1 will be especially easy to attain as long as I follow through with goal 2.
I am however quite excited to go for a run tonight, as I have added 1 whole KM to my run route. So this should be an easy goal achieving day.
For breakfast before heading to the gym for the scheduled muscle moves class at 6:10am I had,
Sadly muscle moves was cancelled as Allison wasn’t feeling well this morning and called in sick. Really when the class is at 6:10 and the gym doesn’t open until 6am, I understand why no-one else was called in to sub for Allison.
This worked out well anyway, because, I am a creature of habit. I just assumed my gym shoes were on the top of my gym bag as they always as every morning. Well last night I put my gym shoes beside the bag, not on the top of the bag. I showed up to the gym with no gym shoes, just my black flats that I was wearing lol. A blessing in disguise. However, this meant I couldn’t do any kind of work out on the floor either in lue of muscle moves.
I had brought my swimsuit because I was planning on going for a swim after muscle moves anyways. Swimming doesn’t start until 6:30am, so I killed some time by sitting in the sauna until the pool opened.
In the pool I worked on many of the techniques that Heather had taught me last Thursday. I ended up spending 53 minutes in the pool. Not too shabby.
At work today I have several meetings out of the office which worried me for staying on track with my eating (eating at regular times and intervals).
So far my morning meeting went well and I was back at the office by 10:15am to have my morning snack (wow it had been 5 hours already since I’d eaten last).
1cup Astro no fat Yogurt 1/3cup All Bran Buds and 1tbsp Crasins. All mixed together and left sitting for 5 minutes before eaten.
So far at the gym I have,
Burned 558 calories.
Drank 4, 8oz glasses of water.
~ M ~