Good evening all! So today was an ok day. Still addicted to the website Not much to report on today, plus its 11pm and I have to get to sleep soon so I can get up for Cario Bosu at 6:10 tomorrow. I am so tired that as I type this I see my writing is blue colourned and all underlined so I don't know if tonight's entry will look different from the others. Anyway. . . . Got up good and early for my 6:10 spin class at the gym. Different instructor Thursdays that the Tuesday class, which is ok, different but ok. When we were doing sprints in the spin class I couldn't for the life of me figure out why it felt like my legs wouldn't work properly to get up to a sprinting speed, but I pushed on thinking I was at a low tension. With like 5 mins left in class I realized that I was at the higher end of tension, and that is why I wasn't able to get my legs going faster. Oh well I guess that just means I was working that much harder right LOL.
This evening I went out with 3 girls from work. We went to Jack Astors's for dinner. Now in the past this has been one of my fav places to go. Their garlic pan loaf is to die for laterally because it is loaded with cheese grease and garlic. So like I always like to do through the day I went to the website to look at their menu and nutritional information to my my choice when I was not hungry or feeling pressured to hurry and choose. Well they do not have their nutritional information on the website. I called the restaurant to see if they had one on location. They did. So we get there, and when the waitress finally gets around to bring it over to us, its in a 3 ring binder, printed out on their printer, and its not even in any kind of order, its all completely random. On top of that, its out of date, they have items listed that are nowhere to be found on the menu we have, and there are items we wanted that are on the menu that aren't listed in their guide.
Breakfast this morning I decided I would get wild and mix things up, instead of cutting half a banana into my PC blue menu granola I threw in 1tbsp of crasins. I think this might be my new fav breakfast.
Lunch I had Knorr Rustic Vegetable and Potato soup. Delish!
Dinner at Jack AStorS. Let me tell you despite my better judgement I went with the crowd and got a sugary alcoholic drink. Its the Twist or something like that. Very tasty, not worth the extra cals but still yummy. Dinner was also another bad choice I'm going to say solely based on the difficulty of navigating a menu and nutritional guide that were hardly compatible. I got the veggie pad thai. I asked the waitress to split the order half on my plate and half packed ready to take home. Well I forgot to ask this when I first ordered so asked her 5 mins later, when she told me it was already plated and garnished, so she will bring me a take out container and I can do it myself after she brings me the dish. 5-10 mins pass before my already plated meal got to me. This was at 5:30 on a Thursday and it wasn't busy. Ugh. So I halved the meal myself. Left overs for lunch tomorrow.
Well being the good social workers we all are we decided to go and see the movie Precious at the AMC. But we were finished and rushed out of the non busy restaurant. So we walked over to Demetre's for a "coffee". MmmmHmmm yeah just a coffee. Well we ended up splitting 3 ways a double brownie cheesecake. I also ordered a double bianco latte. However I asked that the latte be made with skim milk, and to hold off on the whipped cream, white chocolate drizzle and white chocolate flakes.

Well I apologize again for the shitty blog tonight. I am sitting in bed typing this out. As for my caloric input output, I burned a total of 1033 calories between spin class, the post spin class crunches and weights, and my daily walking around as per my pedometer. I however took in a total of 1472 calories, sodium intake was over by quite a bit obviously from the pad thai and the cheesecake.
Well I apologize again for the shitty blog tonight. I am sitting in bed typing this out. As for my caloric input output, I burned a total of 1033 calories between spin class, the post spin class crunches and weights, and my daily walking around as per my pedometer. I however took in a total of 1472 calories, sodium intake was over by quite a bit obviously from the pad thai and the cheesecake.
Have a great night!
~ M ~
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